You might be surprised… At home, you do NOT want to attempt to remove your cuticles. This requires professional tools in a controlled environment. You may damage your skin if you try this at home. So, while you’re waiting to get back in for your professional mani…you can do this to keep your cuticles in check…
- Prepare a bowl of warm water with a teaspoon of coconut oil and some essential oil like lavender if you have it.
- Apply a body cream/ oil to your cuticles and massage in to each finger for a few seconds.
- Rest both hands in the warm water and soak for 5 mins.
- Take out and while your hands are still wet, take a teaspoon and gently push back your cuticles! Yes, a teaspoon is great because its shape fits your nails, it’s not sharp and is gentle on your nail plate.
- Do both hands. Dip back into the water, dry and apply hand cream.
Hope you find this useful.
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